Many words in Norwegian are compound words. Ex:
- ungdomstid = ungdom + s + tid
- religionshistorie = religion + s + historie
- kirkegang = kirke + gang
In general, the compound words are mostly formed by:
- Writing the original component words together
- Having -s/-e between the components as the linking words
Some common rules:
1/ When the first component ends in a vowel, compound words are usually formed by simply writing the components next to each other:
- bakketop (hilltop) = bakke + top
- kirkegang (church walk) = kirke + gang
- vitneprov (witness)
Exception: fylkesmann (county governor), gledestårer (tears of joy), minnesmerke (memorial), trosbekjennelse (confession of faith), ulykkestilfelle (accident case), vredesmot (courage of anger), yrkesutdanning (vocational education), æreskompani (ares company).
The same rule applies when the first component engds with -ing and denoting living beings:
- kjerringemne (old lady)
- vikingtid (Viking age)
2/ When the first component ends in -ion, -tion, -ity, -ment, there’s usually -s- as the link:
- religionshistorie (religious history)
- statjonsmester
- aktivitetstrang (urge for activity)
- abonnementsadvdeling (subscription department)
The same rule applies when the first component ends in -dom, -else, -het, -(n)ing, -nad, -skap:
- ungdomstid (youth)
- forkjølelsesplager
- frihetsverk (freedom service)
- kringkastingssjef (broadcasting manager)
- forskningsråd (research council)
- søknadsfrist (application deadline)
- troskapsløfte (pledge of allegiance)
3/ A majority of compounds with the first component is tid have -s- as the joint:
- tidsfordriv (pastime)
- tidspunkt
- tidsfrist (deadline)
- tidsalder (age)
- tidsledd (period of time)
Similarly for død:
- dødalder (age of death)
- dædsattest (death certificate)
- dødsdag (day of death)
- dødsfare (risk of death)
When the first component ends in unstress -el, -sel:
- adelsmann (nobleman)
- handelsbrev (trade letter)
- fengselsport (prison gate)
- fødselsmerke (birth mark)
- førselsavgift (transport fee)
- hørselsvern (hearing protection)
- hørselsskade (hearing damage)
- redselshistorie (horror stories)
- skremselspropaganda (scare propaganda)
Exception: kjenselkort (identity card), trusselbrev (threat letter), verselbruk (electricity use).
-s also commonly used for linking when the first component ends in -en:
- aldersgrense (age limit)
- hedersgjest (guest of honor)
- hungersnød (famine)
- vintersdag (winter day)
- winterstid (winter time)